Junior Golf Foundation Scholarship Opportunity
Pre-ACT to be given on Nov. 15
Academic Challenge Team News!
Powderpuff Football Game Held Nov. 2
Career Quest- Aviation- Nov. 7!
EOC Academy (Tutoring/Extra Help)
The Bookworms October Meeting
Mrs. Pennington named 23-24 Distinguished Literacy Teacher
Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund Scholarship Opportunity
Basketball Tryouts Tryouts to be held Oct. 30 and 31!
Rebel Regiment is Headed to the State Championship!
2023 Homecoming Court Announced
Mass Health Screenings for 9th Graders
Art Students' Work on Display at the SC State Fair
Lunch and Learn with Francis Marion University on Nov. 30
Wizard of Oz auditions
Rebel Regiment Clinches 3rd in Chesnee!