NCSD Covid-19 Updated Isolation and Quarantine Procedures
Following the recent updates from S.C. DHEC on January 4, 2022, the School District of Newberry County has revised its procedures regarding isolation and quarantine due to COVID-19 infection or exposure. Changes in these procedures will take effect beginning January 10, 2022. Details of the changes can be found on the district website and Facebook page.
These changes include:
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will isolate for a minimum of 5 days. Students and staff may return to school after five days of isolation if symptoms are improving. Students and staff who return after 5 days must wear a face mask at school for days 6-10.
Identified close and household contacts who have not been maximally vaccinated will quarantine for 10 days. Maximally vaccinated and individuals verified to have been infected with COVID-19 in the previous 90 days would not have to quarantine, but must wear a mask at school for 10 days after exposure.
Again, these changes will go into effect on January 10 and follow the most recent updates received from South Carolina DHEC and can be found on the district website and Facebook page. If you have questions regarding the updated procedures, please email