Dear Parent/Guardian(s),
As this school year has begun with unprecedented protocols, we would like to ensure all attendance procedures and expectations are clear to both our students and parents. Updated guidance regarding student attendance was provided last week to school administrators. Please read the below guidelines which contains information for quarantined students and/or daily absences. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact MCHS Administration at 803-364-2134.
Guidance & Expectations for Student Quarantines and/or Daily Absences
1) Teachers will post all classwork, assignments, presentations, and assessments in Schoology. This will ensure all students have access to their work and will remain active participants in class. All necessary instructional resources will be posted to ensure all absent students understand and are able to complete their assignments.
2) Students who are absent, and not sick are expected to log into Schoology daily, check and complete assignments, and email the classroom teacher with any questions or concerns.
3) Teachers will permit students to make-up work as long as the student makes appropriate arrangements with the teacher no later than his/her second day back to school. Students who are required to quarantine or self-isolate are required to complete all assignments and submit no later than 5 school days after return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up work due to absences. However, all absent students are strongly encouraged to complete all assignments prior to returning to school, when able to do so. Students who do not submit assignments within 5 school days of their return to school will be marked as absent (unexcused) for the days that the work was not completed.
Parent Resources
Free and Lower-Cost Internet In Response to COVID-19