about 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Calhoun Falls Charter School Basketball Guidelines
about 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Basketball Guidelines
Whitmire High School First Semester Exam Schedule Jan 11 8:00 am English II Writing End of Course Exam Jan 12 8:00 am English II Writing End of Course Exam All other State End of Course Exams (Biology, Algebra I and English II Reading) will be given during the regular Exam Schedule: Jan 14 1st and 3rd Block Exam Jan 15 1st and 3rd Block Exam Jan 19 2nd and 4th Block Exams Jan 21 2nd and 4th Block Exams Algebra I EOC will begin at Noon on Jan 19 and Jan 21 instead of 4th Block.
about 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
iPad Troubleshooting Tips
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
iPad Troubleshooting Tips
iPad Troubleshooting Tips
iPad Troubleshooting Tips
Reminder: There will be no visitor stands at Ware Shoals on Monday evening. There will be plenty of room to set up chairs and for standing room. You can also sit in the baseball stands. Concession items will be $1 and $2. Please pay with the correct dollar amount (no change will be available).
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
WCS Parents, please take a moment to complete the nomination form for the WCS School Improvement Council (SIC). The SIC is a group of parents, teachers, community members, administrators, and others who work together to set goals to improve our school. Terms for SIC are two years (2020-2022) and we are asking for nominations of parents to serve on this team! Click the link below to make a nomination. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSf9jZ7Gq_5s7KYmkr6tXlrrVy3RZ_2D5WRKmOcdtSGGDP_A/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Southside Christian Game
**Child Nutrition Virtual Learning Meal Options** (Please click on image to see flyer.)
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
VL Meal Options
**Legends Stadium Guidelines for the 2020 Football Season: - All spectators must have a ticket to enter. Tickets will be pre-sold. - Facemasks and social distancing are required. Seating and standing areas will be marked. Members from the same household may sit together (limit to 4 family members). - Home fans will enter through the gate that has always been used for the main entrance. Visiting fans will enter through the gate behind the first base dugout. There will be signs and someone to head you in the right direction. - Home and visiting restrooms are available. - Fans will have access to only one concession stand. Please be mindful of facemasks and social distancing guidelines while waiting in line. - At the conclusion of the contest please exit the stadium immediately. No spectators will be allowed on the field.
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Football Guidelines
Fall Sports Information: Due to COVID-19 Athletic Booster Club passes, Senior citizen (Gold Cards) and district employee discounts may not be used for entry into games. Everyone that occupies a seat and those that are in standing room areas must pay to enter an event. Facemasks are required. Social distancing guidelines must be followed. Members from the same immediate family may sit or stand together. Seating and standing room areas will be marked. Admission prices for Fall Sports: Varsity Football - $8.00 Jr. High Football- $6.00 Volleyball- $6.00 Girls Tennis – No charge Volleyball: There will be 70 tickets available for purchase on the day of the match. Priority will be given to parents of both teams. Any remaining tickets will be sold on a first come/first serve basis until we reach capacity. Once capacity is reached no one else may enter. When purchasing tickets please have the correct dollar amount. We will not be able to make change. Home matches begin at 5:30. The doors for the match will open at 5:00pm and we ask that parents be in and seated by 5:20pm. Varsity Football: We will have 300 tickets available and will pre-sell all tickets. The visiting team will receive two tickets per player. We will allow our team members, cheerleaders, and band members two tickets each for parents. Any remaining tickets will then be offered to middle/high students and then other community members. Tickets will be pre-sold to players, cheerleaders, band members and students on Mondays and Tuesdays of game week. Any remaining tickets will be made available to the community on Wednesday at WCS from 9am-12pm or at the stadium ticket booth from 4-6pm. Please purchase tickets with the correct dollar amount. We will not be able to make change. Home games begin at 7:30pm and the spectator gates will open at 6:30pm. Jr. High Football: We will have 300 tickets available and will pre-sell all tickets. The visiting team will receive two tickets per player. We will allow our team members and cheerleaders two tickets each for parents. Any remaining tickets will then be offered to middle/high students and then other community members. Tickets will be pre-sold to players, cheerleaders, and students on Mondays and Tuesdays of game week. Any remaining tickets will be made available to the community on Wednesday at WCS from 9am-12pm or at the stadium ticket booth from 4-6pm. Please purchase tickets with the correct dollar amount. We will not be able to make change. Home games begin at 5:30pm and the spectator gate will open at 4:45pm. **In order for us to host home events, facemask and social distancing guidelines must be followed.
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Fall Sports
Attention Newberry ONE Parents: Please join us for one of the Newberry ONE information sessions. 9/2- Whitmire Community School Gymnasium @ 5:30 pm Parents will receive information and will have an opportunity to ask questions about the virtual programs.
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Information Session
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Parents/guardians will need to complete this form before your child(ren) can be assigned a hotspot to take home. You may also use this form to apply to receive a hotspot if you have not completed the application before now. https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ExhKkfLjwkC7a88ABRBezxuc4EH5rbxOlqAChTVwAKVUOVNIOTlSUDJTS1pZUTgzSUc3NTgwUlhLQy4u
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Summer Reading Update
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
Summer Reading Update
LEAP Week Reminders... LEAP Week is next week, August 17th-21st. All PK-9th grade students should have received information during registration this week, or from their last year's teacher, on which day they are scheduled to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone next week!
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School
LEAP Week Reminders
over 4 years ago, Whitmire Community School